Support & Donate

ARPS Friends of the Performing Arts

The Friends of the Performing Arts (FPA) ensures that the programs for theater, choir, band, orchestra, and dance in the Amherst regional

public schools get the funding and support they need as the essential basis of a complete education.

Tax Deductible

ARPS Friends of the Performing Arts is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
All donations support the performing arts at Amherst Regional Public Schools.

Make a Donation

Online donations can be made at our FPA Donorbox projects page! Thank you! The links below will take you to a specific donation or payment page:

General and Bake Sale Payment Donations

Where we put donations to work:


Provide scholarship and support for performing arts trips, performances, and competitions.


Update outdated sound, lighting, and recording equipment.


Replace damaged and exceedingly old, poor-sounding loaner instruments with new ones. This year, ukeles replaced guitars as the entry level string instrument of choice!


Renovate performance spaces and create needed space for set construction and storage.